Suryagarh Jaisalmer is a Boutique hotel available for stay and dining. The hotel offers two restaurants: Nosh and Legend of Marwar. Nosh is famous for its international vibe, multicuisine restaurant with a casual vibe. Whereas Legend of Marwar serves food inspired by Marwari culture. The blend of Rajasthani and Persian flavors are what attracts the visitors here.Suryagarh also has a hotel bar open for its visitors. This is called Draksh Bar.

Dishes to try: Chef Megh Singh’s signature thali (a multi-course meal)

Timings: Nosh - 7:30 AM to 10:30 PM, Legend of Marwar - 7 PM to 10:30 PM

Address: Kahala Phata,Sam Road, Sam Sand Dunes, Jaisalmer - 345001

How to Reach: In Sam Road

Cost for two: N/A